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The 2018 Great Vallejo Race!


The 2018 Great Vallejo Race is just around the corner and now is the time to sign up! The Vallejo Yacht Club Harbor has been freshly dredged and is ready to hold the 175+ boats heading up through San Pablo Bay to the finish just off the Yacht Club. Final preparations for the epic after race party are in the works and the tides and currents are looking pretty great for racing. Everything is lining up to be another great Great Vallejo Race!

Registration is now closed. We’ve got 165 boats signed up! You can view the Fleet Assignments HERE.

View the NOR
View the SIs
View Attachment 1 to the SIs
View Attachment 2 to the SIs – The Starting Sequence
View the Amendment to the SIs
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March 27, 2018 Uncategorized
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